Saturday, April 25, 2009

Visit to SMJK Kwang Hua KRS MUT 09!

Few of the members attended the Kwang Hua KRS MUT just few hours back!
The environment there were very different compare to our school.
People there are friendly + sporting + helpful + well disciplined!
Too bad not much of you guys can attend this event because of the time issue. Well, i managed to take some photo(s) and video(s). Sorry for the photo and video quality, my camera are not that high tech, and got limited space only. =(

From: Tze Wei

Inside the school.
The welcome board.
The small hand-made gadgets!
WOW! The trophies they owned!
This goes with their theme this year. Chinese Classics!

P/s: Lazy to upload it here la. For more photo click HERE.

Some short clips taken. More will be uploaded soon! ^^