Saturday, April 25, 2009

Visit to SMJK Kwang Hua KRS MUT 09!

Few of the members attended the Kwang Hua KRS MUT just few hours back!
The environment there were very different compare to our school.
People there are friendly + sporting + helpful + well disciplined!
Too bad not much of you guys can attend this event because of the time issue. Well, i managed to take some photo(s) and video(s). Sorry for the photo and video quality, my camera are not that high tech, and got limited space only. =(

From: Tze Wei

Inside the school.
The welcome board.
The small hand-made gadgets!
WOW! The trophies they owned!
This goes with their theme this year. Chinese Classics!

P/s: Lazy to upload it here la. For more photo click HERE.

Some short clips taken. More will be uploaded soon! ^^

Friday, April 24, 2009

Handball MSSD

Wow! Our school were so cool!
The U18 boys scored 13 over 6 in the final!
Hoooray! for the handball team....hopefully they will make up to MSSM.

Thanks for the help of the ex-troop leaders: Steven & Ker Keong
Thanks to all KRS members that helped in the duty, we highly appreciate the time we spend together. Click HERE to view the photos.
Hopefully our school's KRS can grow stronger as time pass. =)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

MSSD Handball Duty

For your information, we have selected10 members to take part in the MSSD duty this coming Monday. List of names are like below:

Chee Yang
Chee Yin
Khee Soon
Lek Jia
Pik Chin
Tze Wei
Wei Xiong
Xue Qin
Yen Ming

Remember to wear your full uniforms.

Congratulation guys!

Well done guys!
Good Job!!
Keep up the good work!

Thanks to every members that are involve in this year's Sport's Day marching contest, you guy's hard work finally pays off...
Tho we did not win or make up to runner up, but still we got 2nd runner up!
Thanks to Khee Soon for being the team's commander. Guess you guys know quite well who is him.
Keep it up! Hope that we can win next year!

Btw, did you guys saw a bata black shoe size 8 at the stadium?
It's seems tat one of our member lost it at the stadium yesterday. Do let us know if you were have taken it accidentally.

We'll have more activities coming up after our mid year exam. And we are planing to make a informal KRS t-shirt, anyone can help with the design please?! Contact us please!

Friday, April 17, 2009

SMJK Kwang Hua KRS MUT 2009

The KRS of SMJK Kwang Hua will be having their Anniversary Celebration, Majlis Ulang Tahun (MUT) on April 2009. Although the places in their MUT are limited, but TSMKRS is invited ! Thanks to SBKRS for the offer. The details of the MUT are as follows :

  • Venue : SMJK Kwang Hua, Klang, Selangor
  • Date : 25th April 2009
  • Payment : RM 8
  • Registration time : 5.30pm - 6pm
  • Event time : 6.30pm - 11pm
Please bring extra cash for T Shirts if you want. There will be a KRS exhibition on that day before the event start. We will make sure we have transport.

Don't miss this great oppertunity for us to visit our schools and built up our relationships with them. For further info, please do not hesitate to contact Khee Soon.


YAY!!!!! Atlast! After training for weeks, and now we had finnaly have achievement!
Tho, we only manage to get 2nd runner-up, but still it's a good start.
One day, we'll stand up and beat the other team. We know we will.
Thanks guys with all the hard works we been through...
Just a short update. Photo's will be update a.s.a.p. patience guys!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Since this Friday is our Sports Day already,
We will have our marching practice on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday.
And we will be having our rehearsal on Thursday morning.
Remember to bring your T-shirts.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


To those who are marching for the Sports Day.


Due to some uncooperative member(s). Please be informed that starting from the month of April ( 4/4/2009), we are going to take action on those who are absent without any reasonable excuse. So, don't be surprise if you are getting demerit


Friday, April 3, 2009

Sukan Temasya Olahraga ke-14!

This years Sports day falls on 17th of April.

13 days to be exact,
less then 11 days for us to practice the formation!
So, guys please be co-operative and comes for the practice!
We need you guys to complete our formation!!!

P/s: C'mon guys! It's not too late to do everything right now.
Don't give up, we can do it, trust yourselves!
Never quit!!!?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

MSSD-Petaling Perdana-Bola Baling

Please to be inform that KRS will be needed to help the teachers with the hand ball MSSD competition on the following week after the Sports Day.
Anybody who are interested in joining please do not hesitate to ask Khee Soon (Jason) for more detailed info.


We'll be having our practice tomorrow evening from 3pm to 6pm.
Your attendance is a MUST!
Any queries, do not hesitate to contact those that are in charge.

From: Loke

Who to contact?
Khee Soon:
H/p> 017-2835115; E-mail>
Nicholas: H/p> 012-6814329; E-mail>
Or anybody that are in marching.