Friday, May 15, 2009

Exam week~

Hey Guys,
It's been sometime that we have not update the blog...
As, some are wondering why aren't there any new post,
sorry to say that we're all kinda busy during few this week(s).
As you guys know we're having our mid-term.....

Dear KRS troop members!
Don't worry!
You know nothing can stop us from activities...
There will be more activities after the holidays!
Good Luck for your mid-term exams!
All the BEST! =)

P/s: Guys, help la promote the KRS blog abit... XD

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Visit to SMJK Kwang Hua KRS MUT 09!

Few of the members attended the Kwang Hua KRS MUT just few hours back!
The environment there were very different compare to our school.
People there are friendly + sporting + helpful + well disciplined!
Too bad not much of you guys can attend this event because of the time issue. Well, i managed to take some photo(s) and video(s). Sorry for the photo and video quality, my camera are not that high tech, and got limited space only. =(

From: Tze Wei

Inside the school.
The welcome board.
The small hand-made gadgets!
WOW! The trophies they owned!
This goes with their theme this year. Chinese Classics!

P/s: Lazy to upload it here la. For more photo click HERE.

Some short clips taken. More will be uploaded soon! ^^

Friday, April 24, 2009

Handball MSSD

Wow! Our school were so cool!
The U18 boys scored 13 over 6 in the final!
Hoooray! for the handball team....hopefully they will make up to MSSM.

Thanks for the help of the ex-troop leaders: Steven & Ker Keong
Thanks to all KRS members that helped in the duty, we highly appreciate the time we spend together. Click HERE to view the photos.
Hopefully our school's KRS can grow stronger as time pass. =)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

MSSD Handball Duty

For your information, we have selected10 members to take part in the MSSD duty this coming Monday. List of names are like below:

Chee Yang
Chee Yin
Khee Soon
Lek Jia
Pik Chin
Tze Wei
Wei Xiong
Xue Qin
Yen Ming

Remember to wear your full uniforms.

Congratulation guys!

Well done guys!
Good Job!!
Keep up the good work!

Thanks to every members that are involve in this year's Sport's Day marching contest, you guy's hard work finally pays off...
Tho we did not win or make up to runner up, but still we got 2nd runner up!
Thanks to Khee Soon for being the team's commander. Guess you guys know quite well who is him.
Keep it up! Hope that we can win next year!

Btw, did you guys saw a bata black shoe size 8 at the stadium?
It's seems tat one of our member lost it at the stadium yesterday. Do let us know if you were have taken it accidentally.

We'll have more activities coming up after our mid year exam. And we are planing to make a informal KRS t-shirt, anyone can help with the design please?! Contact us please!

Friday, April 17, 2009

SMJK Kwang Hua KRS MUT 2009

The KRS of SMJK Kwang Hua will be having their Anniversary Celebration, Majlis Ulang Tahun (MUT) on April 2009. Although the places in their MUT are limited, but TSMKRS is invited ! Thanks to SBKRS for the offer. The details of the MUT are as follows :

  • Venue : SMJK Kwang Hua, Klang, Selangor
  • Date : 25th April 2009
  • Payment : RM 8
  • Registration time : 5.30pm - 6pm
  • Event time : 6.30pm - 11pm
Please bring extra cash for T Shirts if you want. There will be a KRS exhibition on that day before the event start. We will make sure we have transport.

Don't miss this great oppertunity for us to visit our schools and built up our relationships with them. For further info, please do not hesitate to contact Khee Soon.


YAY!!!!! Atlast! After training for weeks, and now we had finnaly have achievement!
Tho, we only manage to get 2nd runner-up, but still it's a good start.
One day, we'll stand up and beat the other team. We know we will.
Thanks guys with all the hard works we been through...
Just a short update. Photo's will be update a.s.a.p. patience guys!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Since this Friday is our Sports Day already,
We will have our marching practice on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday.
And we will be having our rehearsal on Thursday morning.
Remember to bring your T-shirts.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


To those who are marching for the Sports Day.


Due to some uncooperative member(s). Please be informed that starting from the month of April ( 4/4/2009), we are going to take action on those who are absent without any reasonable excuse. So, don't be surprise if you are getting demerit


Friday, April 3, 2009

Sukan Temasya Olahraga ke-14!

This years Sports day falls on 17th of April.

13 days to be exact,
less then 11 days for us to practice the formation!
So, guys please be co-operative and comes for the practice!
We need you guys to complete our formation!!!

P/s: C'mon guys! It's not too late to do everything right now.
Don't give up, we can do it, trust yourselves!
Never quit!!!?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

MSSD-Petaling Perdana-Bola Baling

Please to be inform that KRS will be needed to help the teachers with the hand ball MSSD competition on the following week after the Sports Day.
Anybody who are interested in joining please do not hesitate to ask Khee Soon (Jason) for more detailed info.


We'll be having our practice tomorrow evening from 3pm to 6pm.
Your attendance is a MUST!
Any queries, do not hesitate to contact those that are in charge.

From: Loke

Who to contact?
Khee Soon:
H/p> 017-2835115; E-mail>
Nicholas: H/p> 012-6814329; E-mail>
Or anybody that are in marching.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


To all KRS members!

Please take note that the Sukan Temasya is now near again!!!

Date: 17th April 2009
Venue: Mashushita Stadium

For those that are involve in the marching, we will be having practices every Tuesday to Friday from 2:30pm - 5pm.


Marching candidates in Sukan Temasya in Mashushita Stadium 2008!
Although we had fourth place last year, but we knew very well we tried our best,
We gonna win this year!!! =)

Sunday, March 15, 2009


How much does you know about KRS?


Kadet Remaja Sekolah ( KRS ) was developed and organized by Mr.Muhammad Thani Bin Sha'aban in Sekolah Menengah Raja Abdullah ,Jalan Kepong , Kuala Lumpur at 27th June 1987. In the beginning, the cadet is known as Kadet Putera Islam Malaysia (KPIM) which is organized group of Persatuan Pelajar-Pelajar Islam SMRA (PERWIRA).

The discussion was held with Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Wan Mohd Zahid Bin Wan Mohd Nordin as Director of Malaysia Ministry of Education at 13 September 1993. In the discussion, the thesis about KPIM was presented. As a result, a group of people appointed to do the paper work to cabinet. This committee proposed so that the cadet was changed to KADET PUTERA-PUTERI ISLAM ( KPIM ). However, this cadet was transfered to KADET REMAJA ISLAM (KRIS).

Meanwhile, the briefing and exposure to Directors of Ministry of Education was held in October at 1993 was conduct by Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Wan Mohd Zahid suggested the cadet was changed to KADET REMAJA SEKOLAH ( KRS ) so that the membership is open to all races including boys and girls.

The launching of KADET REMAJA SEKOLAH in National Level at 20th June 1995 same as 21 Muharam 1416 by Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Hj Abdul Razak, Malaysia Ministry of Education at Sekolah Menengah Raja Abdullah , Jalan Kepong, Kuala Lumpur.


The aims of this organization is to born excellent student who have good attitude, knowledgeable, pious and competent base on education vision and National Education Philosophy in purpose to accomplish 2020 vision.


To build patriotic generation who are love their religious, race and country.

To design the generation who have unity spirit, competency, creative and innovative who can face any challenges in their lifestyle.

To build and develop understanding, consciuos and sensitivity in student towards related issues and have the ability to generate national integrity.

To build student who have unity spirit, competency, creative and innovative in facing any challenges in their lifestyle.

Help on developing all potential human aspect which is related to education and practice towards developing and consolidating moral value in student parallel to Education Vision and National Education Philosophy in purpose to accomplish 2020 Vision.

To avoid negative attitude among teenagers such as drug addict and social problem.

The variety of uniform team in school to prepare knowledgeable, experience, skill, ability in managing and become a leader.


GREEN - Symbol of good nature of surrounding.

RED - Brave,and ready to protect the country.

YELLOW - Color to be pillar of sovereignty of Malaysia

WHITE - Honesty and purity .

Armour : Understand to avoid the social problems
Moon & Star : Islam is official religion in Malaysia
Two pieces paddyintersection:Knowledgeable,competence matured and rational in all actions
Rehal with the open book : Education institution conc ern for knowledge without presume the race and ethnic, religion and also cultural background towards create malaysians according national education philosophy.


Green color symbolized of: Young generation can imp

roved. A enlighten way of future life. Nature surroundin

g is part of KRS’s curriculum.



ILMU : Basic intellectual and c competency of KRS members.
IMAN : Deeply of pious is basic of build-up of humans
AMAL :Implementation of continuous healthy lifestyle is comes frem intellectual and discipline culture.


Primary school student cadets, who are also known as Tunas KRS (literally: young KRS) wear the rank badge above the right shirt pocket. The highest rank for primary student cadet is Sergeant.

The highest rank for a secondary school cadet is Warrant Officer 1.



1.Sherwood Dark Green Beret . Red Lanyard. Gold-Coloured Cap Badge. Gold-Coloured Hackle.
2.Red mafller. Sherwood Dark Green shirt. Red lanyard. Name Tag above the Right Pocket (epoxy). Two Collar Dots (epoxy).
3.Sewn "Kadet Remaja" Wording Badge & Sewn State Badge. Gold Embroider batch.
4.Sherwood Dark Green Canvas Belt with Gold-Coloured Belt Buckle with KRS Logo.
5.Sherwood Dark Green Trousers.
6.Spike shoe.

1.Sherwood Dark Green Beret . Red Lanyard. Gold-Coloured Cap Badge.
2.Sherwood Dark Green shirt. Red lanyard
3.Name Tag above the Right Pocket (epoxy). Two Collar Dots (epoxy). Sewn "Kadet Remaja" Wording Badge & Sewn State Badge. Gold Embroider batch.
4.Sherwood Dark Green Canvas Belt with Gold-Coloured Belt Buckle.
5.Sherwood Dark Green Trousers.
6.Spike shoes.

1. Sherwood Dark Green Beret with Gold-Coloured Cap
Badge and red Lanyard.
2. Dark green KRS T-Shirt.
3. Sherwood Dark Green Canvas Belt with Gold-Coloured
Belt Buckle with KRS Logo.
4. Sherwood Dark Green Trousers.
5. Spike Shoe.

1. Dark green KRS T-Shirt.
2. Black Track Bottoms.
3. Black Sports Shoes.

1.Sherwood Dark Green Beret . Red Lanyard. Gold-Coloured Cap Badge. Gold-Coloured Hackle.
2.Sherwood Dark Green Headscarf for Muslim Female (If Required).
3.Name Tag above the Right Pocket (epoxy). Two Collar Dots (epoxy). Sewn "Kadet Remaja" Wording Badge & Sewn State Badge. Gold Embroider batch.
4.Sherwood Dark Green Canvas Belt with Gold-Coloured Belt Buckle.
5.Sherwood Dark Green Trousers.
6.Spike shoes.

1.Sherwood Dark Green Beret.
2.Sherwood Dark Green Headscarf for Muslim Female (If Required).
3.. Sherwood Dark Green Long sleeve T-Shirt . Red Lanyard
4.Sherwood Dark Green Canvas Belt with Gold-Coloured Belt Buckle.
5.Sherwood Dark Green Trousers.
6.Spike shoes.

1.Sherwood Dark Green Beret . Red Lanyard. Gold-Coloured Cap Badge.
2.Sherwood Dark Green Headscarf for Muslim Female (If Required).
3.Sherwood Dark Green shirt. Name Tag above the Right Pocket (epoxy). Two Collar Dots (epoxy). Sewn "Kadet Remaja" Wording Badge & Sewn State Badge. Gold Embroider batch.
4.Sherwood Dark Green Canvas Belt with Gold-Coloured Belt Buckle.
5.Sherwood Dark Green Trousers.
6.Spike shoes.